Kyemah McEntyre

Hello everybody!

I hope you guys are well

I’m still around, just honestly finding, at a very slow pace, my place in this vast world.  Yes, I know that completely sounds so cliché, but it’s the truth.

In the meantime, I love stumbling upon words of wisdom that come from the heart and passing it along so everyone can do the same and the world becomes a better place.



Meet Kyemah McEntyre!

She designed and made this gorgeous dress for her prom.

She also said in her Instagram, which I feel is a STUNNING message,

” You have to understand who you are because if you leave that space open, you leave your identity in the hands of society.  Don’t let anybody define you.  Beautiful things happen when you take pride in yourself.”  – Kyemah McEntyre

This quote is getting printed asap and being framed for all to see in my household because it speaks volume.

What inspires you?

Take good care all.

Until next time…