Adieu March

Hello everybody!

I hope you guys are well.

Before we bid adieu to the month of March I wanted to share some pics with you as well as an update on my daughter’s speech therapy.

The month started with my family celebrating my mother’s 62nd BIRTHDAY!  It’s so wonderful to celebrate her birthday.

Then on St. Patrick’s Day, I surprised my daughters with a green breakfast:


IMG_6410text    IMG_6411text

I just used a little food coloring, but totally forgot that the butter was going to brown up the pancakes…oh well, the girls still loved eating green pancakes for St. Patrick’s Day!


We got our green on…say cheese!

I made several happy, yummy faces throughout the month.  Here are a few:


Made this mini bagel happy face for my youngest daughter one day and I thought the blueberry smile was genius on my part, but then she requested that smile to be turned upside down.  She actually said, “No, I want it to be sad.”



Whatever, she still ate it happily…she can be a conundrum sometimes.


Then on another day she asked me for a one-eyed happy face.  Okay, here’s happy cyclops.


It’s all about improvising and having fun.  She loved this silly face.

As for my ongoing quest to get my oldest daughter speech therapy in her school, it has come to a complete halt.  Why?  Well, I decided to stop wasting time with people who keep giving me the run around or pretend not to know what my case is about.  The straw that broke the camel’s back was when, let’s call her an administrator, said to me over the phone, “My hands are tied.”  She said it nonchalantly and yes, I could be wrong.  Maybe her hands are tied and she simply can’t help me, but at that moment, I lost it.  I got emotional, which I hated, but I needed her to know, no scratch that, I needed her to fully feel and understand that all I was asking for was a little help.  After that phone call was a bust, I continued my search online and finally found a great website,, that offers tips and ideas on how you can help your child with their speech including printables and an app (articulation station), which I got for my ipad.  We also practice enunciating our words at home and my husband makes up tongue twisters with the specific letters that our daughter has trouble pronouncing.  The tongue twisters are very helpful and we make it fun by saying silly phrases.  So far that’s what we’re doing and we’re going to continue to research and look into other ideas and I’ll keep you updated.

We ended the month celebrating my father’s 62nd BIRTHDAY and were even given a surprise, but more on that later on!  🙂  Again, it’s simply wonderful celebrating his birthday as well.

So it is with a fond farewell to the month of March.

I can’t wait to share what comes next:  april fools day, my youngest daughter’s birthday, spring cleaning, spring break, apartment egg hunting, and Easter.

Get the scrapbook paper and scissors out, Mama needs to make a Peppa Pig birthday banner!

Take good care all.

Until next time…

Lini’s Treats Cakes and Sweets

Hello everybody!

I hope you guys are well.

I wanted to share Lini’s Treats with you, especially with local readers (Brooklyn) or bloggers.  I was gifted some DELICIOUS cupcakes by Dominican cake specialist Arlene Morel.  She’s one of my neighbors and if you check out her Facebook page (Lini’s Treats), you can definitely see that she’s very talented.  You can also email her at

Here’s what I got:




My daughter and I ate the pecan one and it was so delicious.  Seriously, I had to put them away for fear of eating every single one.  Must control myself!!  So, if you need any sweets, check out Lini’s Treats.  Let’s support our neighbors, especially when they’re good at what they do.  Thanks Arlene!

Take good care all.

Until next time…

A birthday cake mini poster/card

Hello everybody!

I hope you guys are well.

It’s always great to celebrate someone’s birthday and giving something uniquely handmade is especially exciting.  That’s why I loved this idea from Melanie Blodgett over at (one of my favorite blogs).

Check out her idea…

…and now take a look at my version/attempt.


I made this mini poster/card for my mother’s birthday.  I used acrylic paint, paper (about 11 x 14), and paintbrushes.  After the paint was all dry, I rolled up the paper and tied it with a ribbon and presented it to my mom, who absolutely loved her cake plus the fact that it only had 25 candles.  🙂

Thanks Melanie for the great idea!

Take good care all.

Until next time…