Hello everybody!

I hope you guys are well.

We had a snowstorm yesterday and today’s temperature outside is 8 degrees.  Yup, eight!  So, we did the most logical thing and stayed home.

With both my girls running around and enjoying their time together, I decided to make personal pizzas for lunch.


Marinara sauce, wheat flatbread, and shredded mozzarella cheese

That’s all you need for a cheesy pizza.

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375 degrees in the oven for 7 – 8 minutes

Bon appétit

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Of course, you can always add other stuff.

This was my pizza.  I added green pepper, chopped onion flakes, and garlic powder before putting it into the oven.

What do you like on your pizza?

Take good care all.

Until next time…

Keep fueling the fire ’cause you’re only making me stronger!

Hello everybody!

I hope you guys are well.

Last week I made a phone call to my daughter’s school in order to receive an update on our case seeking speech therapy for her and guess what I received?  Nothing!  Nada!  Freaking Zilch!  So, you can imagine how angry I was and the anger kept brewing up inside of me to the point where I was in tears over the phone as I explained to my husband what they said, or in our case, didn’t say.  I didn’t know what to do with myself, but then it hit me.

Take that anger and use it as fuel.

I sat down in front of my computer and started typing away.

I started typing a lengthy letter detailing the process that we’ve been going through with no results.

I started typing about the discouraging words coming out of people who should be helping us.

I started typing about my sweet daughter who’s being punished for having good grades.

I started typing about her teachers who noticed immediately that she needs a little bit of help.

That’s all she needs, a little bit of help.


I started typing an SOS letter to the highest position in the school, the principal.

I printed out my letter with my contact information, signed and sealed it.  I hand delivered it, while picking up my daughter during dismissal, to the assistant principal with a message that this letter was for the principal.  Honestly, I thought I was going to get a response possibly the next day or later.  As soon as I got home, ten minutes later, I received a phone call from the principal.  I was shocked and pleased.  We spoke amicably about my letter and she assured me that she was going to look into matters, talk to all the necessary people, and find me options.  I told her options are good, for now, because nothing’s currently being done.

So, the waiting game continues…

…but, I will continue to call,

I will continue to write,

I will keep advocating for my child,

they will continue to see and hear me until I see results.

Until my child gets that little bit of help that she needs.

And for those who don’t want to help me, your discouraging words bring on a rage inside of me and I use that as fuel to surpass any social anxiety that I suffer from in order to insure that my child will get the services that she is rightfully entitled to.

Take that anger and use it as fuel.  Advocate for your child, no matter what.

My newest mantra.

Take good care all.

Until next time…

I die just a little

I die just a little

I die just a little every single day

Every single day I procrastinate

Every single day I’m lazy

Every single day I take this life for granted

What’s my purpose?

I die just a little

Every single day I don’t complete a project

Every single day I call myself a loser

Every single day I’m not perfect enough

I can feel it, the dying,

with every sigh that escapes my body

with every anxiety attack

with every tear

I die just a little

Every single day I let my insecurities

get the best of me

Every single day I don’t give myself

the benefit of the doubt

Every single day I throw my arms up

in the air and yell, “I give up!”

I die just a little every single day

but just a little

because every single day

I still want a second chance

I still want another go at it

I still want

– Angelica Mercado


Hello everybody!

I hope you guys are well.

Screw it, I’m making this year completely resolution FREE!  Join me, why don’t cha?

Take good care all.

Until next time…