Poem in your pocket day

Hello everybody!

I hope you guys are well.

Today I sent my daughter to school with a poem in her pocket for “Poem in your pocket day.” At the beginning of each month, I receive a detailed calendar from my daughter’s school filled with PTA meeting dates, workshops, test dates, and special fun days like today. Parents were asked to send their children to school with a poem in their pocket.

I went on Google and searched for children’s poems. This article, http://www.writersdigest.com/whats-new/poems-for-kids, stood out the best and I chose one of the poems featured in it because it was fun and short.

Rabbit by Mary Ann Hoberman

A rabbit


A little bit

An itty-bitty

Little bit of beet

Then bit

By bit

He bit

Because he liked the taste of it


This poem is a bit of a tongue twister, which is great for my daughter’s speech. She loved how silly it was and couldn’t wait to share it with her class and teacher.

Happy poem in your pocket day!

Take good care all.

Until next time…

I believe in…


Hello everybody!

I hope you guys are well.

I live an existential life. I’m very comfortable and happy living that way. It’s one of the things that I’m a hundred and ten percent sure about. I learned in college, through literature, that you can simple believe in just living. It’s not very complicated. There’s no stress in that, hence why I quickly adopted it into my life. You choose the path you want to take. No one or nothing else chooses it for you. You live your life by making your own decisions and when an obstacle appears, you figure it out to the best of your knowledge or ability because it’s your life. When someone asks me, “What do you believe in?” I didn’t know what to say before in the past, but with years come wisdom. I’m now able to express what I believe in.

I believe in love. I believe in helping those in need, even when you don’t have a lot of money to your name. I believe in harming none. I believe in education. I believe in equality. I believe in happiness. And I believe in respect. Ultimately, I respect the beliefs of others, even when I’m ridiculed and made to feel as if I’m doing something wrong. I do get bullied and I do stay quiet, out of respect, which can be incredibly hard to do. But, once in a while, when I truly know that my words might get a benefit of the doubt, only then do I speak out and defend myself.

I live an existential life.

I believe that I’m living the life that I’m supposed to live because I’ve chosen that path.

I believe that no one has the right to say that their beliefs are superior to yours.

I believe in staying true to oneself because in there lies your own happiness.

“The truth will set you free.”

Maybe one day, I will be completely accepted, without any explanation, but for now all I can do is live my life, the way I choose to live it, existentially happy.

Take good care all.

Until next time…


It’s that time of the year…let’s dye some eggs!

Hello everybody!

I hope you guys are well.

Easter’s fast approaching and the dyeing of the eggs has come upon us.  While my girls were being distracted/entertained by the television, I quickly set up everything we needed in the kitchen.


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I got the PAAS Egg Decorating kit in Marble Magic.  This kit included 16 egg stands, 6 dye tablets, 2 egg dippers, 2 packets of gloss and 1 polishing fabric.  I also got the Color Cups and that came with 5 dye tablets, 1 egg dipper, and a magic crayon.


Instead of mixing the tablets with just water, I added a tablespoon of vinegar to half a cup of water so the eggs would dye brighter in color.  I also taped down a small, white recycle garbage bag on my girls picnic table so clean up would be easier and there would be no staining on the table.


Even though my little one was not feeling well, she still had fun, as well as my oldest.  The toothless smile says it all.  🙂

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In order to get the marble effect you had to add a tablespoon of oil to the color mixture.  We also used the magic crayon to make designs before dunking the eggs in.  Whatever was marked with the crayon, didn’t dye with color (my youngest drew lines on the purple egg while my oldest drew circles on the pink egg).


We used the gloss and fabric to get the glossy effect.

My oldest daughter’s favorite egg is the very first one: the purple and aqua blue marbled egg

Egg dyeing mission for 2014: Successful

Next mission: Filling up plastic eggs for the Easter egg hunt

Take good care all.

Until next time…


DIY Peppa Pig Birthday Banner

Hello everybody!

I hope you guys are well.

My youngest daughter turned 4 years old this past Saturday.  I wish I could have captured on camera how her morning, sleepy face transformed into sheer happiness upon hearing us say, “Happy Birthday Sophia!”  It was magical and so sweet.  I did take a ton of pictures after we got all dressed up, but I have to sort through them first.  For this post, I wanted to share with you how I made her a Peppa Pig birthday banner.



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This banner was super easy to make and didn’t take long.  I found the banner template online.  I had foam flower cut outs saved from a great find at the dollar section in Target.  I did the happy, birthday, and letter circles myself on Word, then glued everything together and strung it up with pink ribbon.

I absolutely loved how this banner came out and my daughter loved seeing it up on the wall.  The theme was Peppa Pig and she loved seeing all the different pictures of Peppa Pig.

More pictures to come.

Take good care all.

Until next time…

April Fool’s Brownies

Hello everybody!

I hope you guys are well.

Happy April Fool’s Day!  My oldest daughter, Olivia, woke up today super excited because it’s April Fool’s Day and she really wants to pull a prank on someone.  That someone is her dad so I went on Pinterest and searched for silly pranks.  There was one in particular that was cute, simple to do and silly enough for a six-year-old to enjoy.

So we’re baking a batch of brownies for dear old dad, oh wait did I just say/write baking brownies.  No, what I meant was we’re making brown E’s for unsuspecting, dear old dad.  Check it out:

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I left some E’s for Olivia to cut out once she got home from school, then we put a book inside the baking pan (so it could feel heavy), placed all the E’s inside, and closed it up with aluminum foil.

I even put it inside the oven, which prompted my youngest to say, “Oh no, the E’s are going to get hot,” even though I didn’t turn it on.  🙂

Needless to say, once my husband got home from work, the girls couldn’t contain themselves.  Sophia kept shouting, “April Fool’s Day!” so I quickly told my husband to sit down ’cause we made him some brownies before our prank was revealed.

We brought the pan of brownies and told him to uncover the pan completely.

The result:

My husband was surprised and happy with the brown E’s, but then really sad ’cause there wasn’t any real brownies. 🙂

Happy April Fool’s Day everyone!

Take good care all.

Until next time…