The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society’s Student Series


Hello everybody!

I hope you guys are well.

I’m a strong believer in giving to charities that will help people and animals in need.  I donate to charities like St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital , Autism Speaks, Feeding America, PETA and the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.

The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society has a student series and I’m proud that schools in my area are participating with this campaign.  I set up a page and you can click on the link below.  Any donation and I mean any is greatly, hugely appreciated!  THANK YOU!

Take good care all.

Until next time…


Hello everybody!  I hope you guys are well.  Today is Election Day in the USA and my vote has been counted, now I’m crossing my fingers in hopes that my pick wins.

Unfortunately, a Nor’easter is heading to places still reeling after Hurricane Sandy.  I wish I knew how to help or what to say, but I haven’t a clue.  I’ve never experienced losing someone close to me, though I’ve come very close.  I’ve never lost all of my possessions, so I can’t say that I know what it’s like.  I just feel generally heartbroken that people have to go through this.  I just hope communities that were hard hit are able to band together and help one another.  I hope officials are able to help all of those in need.  I hope people DON’T GIVE UP.  I hope donations of all kind keep piling in.  I hope with time everything can heal and communities can build back up.  All I can do right now is hope.

Stay alert, stay alive.

Until next time…